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Blog Archive

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Laurell Eden ~ Pioneering, whole-health weight loss coach

Laurell Eden
Pioneering, whole-health weight loss coach || 917-922-6231

About Laurell Eden

Laurell Eden is a pioneering, whole-health weight loss coach for mind and body.  For over twenty years, she’s coached people to live happier lives with a whole-person approach to health and personal transformation.

Since creating the Weight Loss Revolution Program in 2017, she helps people get healthy and shed weight, using the same cutting edge scientific techniques she used to increase her metabolism and shed 20 pounds in 7 1/2 weeks. She combines these techniques with a powerful mental reconditioning system that rewires the mind to desire real, healthy food.Laurell's clients shed weight permanently, eliminate sugar cravings and brain fog, improve their energy, and have eliminated blood pressure and diabetes medications.

Laurell's program is endorsed by psychologists as the “total package in a weight loss program” because she uses her powerful system to coach the complete person:body, mind and spirit.

To learn more about the Weight Loss Revolution Program and schedule a free 30 minute consultation, visit or email


Social Networks
Facebook : @BodyUpCoaching
Instagram : bodyupcoaching
Twitter : @BdyUpCoaching

I will be exhibiting at the Match my spirit Bazaar on January 8, 2020. 
Register Here

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Edward Liu ~ Author, Educator and Speaker

Edward Liu
Author, Educator and Speaker of The More We Become || 347-675-8045

About the Author

Mr. Liu is a top notch New York educator and leader for over 20 years and have positively impacted the lives of thousands of inner city students -pushing his students to strive for excellence regardless of their socio-economic background. In the process, he helped countless students turn around and achieve their academic goals despite challenging odds.  He knew the more success they have in education the more they, their families and their community benefits. It’s with this same paradigm that drives The More We Become --the more we grow and succeed, the more we can impact those around us. Mr. Liu has studied success principles and spirituality most of his adult life has used it to impact schools and students he’s served. He brings his passion and love for spiritual growth to help you find your insights to transform your world and our world. Together he believes we can truly make our world a better place."

About The More We Become

We have one life to live.  What would it mean to create a life where we matter to others and they matter to us with greater depth and meaning?  Imagine if you can take your life to the next level in multiple areas and in the process make a positive difference with those around you!  This is the premise of The More We Become.  As we obtain greater happiness, clarity, and success in our lives, we increase our ability to lift ourselves and the people around us, making our world a better place.    

In The More We Become, you will 
  • Discover the one thing you can work on that can positively affect you and all your relationships.

  • Learn what you can focus on to expand your happiness. What are the pitfalls of the most common approach to finding personal fulfillment?

  • Uncover how the Law of Attraction works in manifesting your dreams and goals.

  • Take a journey with the author to explore how your inner silence can transform your outer life.

  • Explore a new paradigm on wealth and giving that will not only help you find ways to increase your own wealth, but also make our world a better place.

  • And Much More . . . What makes The More We Become different is that it pushes you to develop your own insights by building on the ideas in the book you find most impactful to your life. There is space on the side on each page to write your own thoughts and ideas.  Each chapter has both guided and self-reflection questions, allowing you to take ownership of your own growth and take actions toward your dreams and goals.


Social Networks
Facebook : @themorewebecome
Instagram : themorewebecome
Linkedin : Edward Liu

I will be exhibiting at the Match my spirit Bazaar on December 07, 2019. 
Register Here

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Alternative & Natural Remedies for Menopause

Natural Remedies For Hot Flashes Ladies

Research shows eighty-five percent of women experience them within the first year or two of menopause.

Sadly, up to half of women continue to have them regularly for years following the onset of menopause. Below are some helpful natural remedies for balancing the body and mind during “the change.”

1. Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is a plant used widely in Europe for treating menopause and hot flashes. Studies show Black Cohosh to be just as effective as pharmaceutical estrogen in providing hot flash relief and one study showed Black Cohosh was effective at preventing excessive sweating.

2. Flaxseed Oil

Fatty acids, such as those found in flaxseed oil, have been thought to be effective in reducing menopausal symptoms. Flax contains plant lignans which are similar to estrogen, possibly causing estrogen levels to stabilize in menopausal women.

3. Evening Primrose Oil

A general tonic for women’s reproductive health, evening primrose has a cooling effect on the skin and regulates the production of estrogen. It can act as a sleep aid due to its high gamma linolenic acid count, and increased prostaglandin production.

4. Chickweed Tincture

Daily servings of this herb have been reported to lower both the number and severity of hot flashes.

5. Red Clover

A plant containing high amounts of phyto-estrogens known as isoflavones has been shown to help reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes.

6. Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic treatment options such as Ferrum phosphoricum (good for reducing redness), Belladonna (an excellent herb for sporadic, rapid hot flashes), Sanguinarina (counteracts hot flashes on the face, neck and ears) and Kali Phosphoricum.

7. Other Western Herbs

Other similar-acting plants include sarsaparilla, spearmint, licorice root, damiana, chasteberry, wild yams, motherwort, and red raspberry leaf.

8. Sage

Sages Helps Hot Flashes
Try drinking a few cups of organic sage tea daily. Sage tea can be found at your local grocery store or online. Besides providing hot flash relief, sage helps with digestion, infant diarrhea and headaches.

9. Vitamin C

Some women have found that bioflavanoids found in Vitamin C can help reduce the frequency of hot flashes. In order to get hot flash relief, I would recommend eating more foods with Vitamin C.

10. Vitamin E

Studies have shown that antioxidants in Vitamin E play a significant role in reducing the symptoms of hot flashes. In order to get hot flash relief, take the recommended serving of a Vitamin E supplement or eat more foods with Vitamin E.

11. Natural Progesterone Cream

Most women are actually estrogen dominant due to the amount of soy in foods. In most cases of menopause doctors actually prescribe more estrogen. I highly recommend using a cream to help balance menopausal hormone levels and to reduce hot flashes.

*Other Tips For Relieving Hot Flashes*

Besides from the list of natural remedies above, you can also practice these natural life-style tips to help get relief from hot flashes.

🔹 Synthetic bedding and clothing can contribute to over-heating the body, especially while sleeping. Unlike natural cottons and linens, synthetic fibers cause us to perspire more often at night, a time when women most-often experience over-heating. Also, if you wear tight-fitting clothing, such as turtle-necks, that are made from synthetic fibers, this can also aggravate hot flashes.

🔹 Avoid long periods in direct sunlight. Reduce the use of hot tubs, saunas and even hot showers. Drink cool water with cucumber and stay in well-ventilated, cool areas of your home. Small room fans can help provide temporary relief for hot flashes.

🔹 Engaging in daily exercise keeps you in shape and feeling young and healthy. Without a healthy body, it is harder to balance the necessary hormones to prevent hot flashes. Try going for more walks throughout the day. Simple cardio exercise is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your health.

🔹 By cleansing your body on a regular basis you can help balance your organs and hormone levels. 
I recommend performing a  *liver detox* at least 1-2 times yearly,  will help promote optimal health.

OJAS STUDIO is inspired by Ayurveda, crafted for modern life

OJAS STUDIO || 844-782-5374


We are active Ayurveda enthusiasts looking to spread the love and wonder of Ayurveda. We understand that Ayurveda’s ancient practices aren’t always accessible in today’s fast-paced world. So we created OJAS STUDIO to bring Ayurvedic inspiration into modern lives, and to meet you where you’re at with food you can trust. While snacking is not often encouraged in the Ayurveda lifestyle, these snacks offer a way to pause and infuse a moment of Ayurvedic intelligence into the unavoidable reality of modern living. Savor these snacks and this moment with a conscious pause, deep breath and smile.


Social Networks
Instagram : @ojasstudio

We will be exhibiting at the Match my spirit Bazaar on December 07, 2019. 
Register Here

We will be exhibiting at the Match my spirit Bazaar on December 14, 2019. 
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We will be exhibiting at the Match my spirit Bazaar on January 08, 2020. 
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Contact Elise and she will share her story at Matchmyspirit event on December 07, 2019

Elise Spinelli
Cancer Survivor

About Elise Spinelli

10 years ago, Elise was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. She saw a local oncologist in CT and an integrative oncologist in NYC, both of who said that she should have surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She did her own research and reluctantly decided to move ahead with all recommended treatments. When she finished with her treatments, she was relieved to find out that she was cancer-free. However, she struggled for 3 years post-treatment trying to recover from all the damage the treatments had done to her body.Elise will besharing her story and what she did to get her health back. By sharing her story, she hopes to help other people who might be struggling with ANY kind of illness or injury, to get their health back as well.

Social Networks

Instagram : eliserichardsspinelli
Linkedin : Elise Spinelli

I will be exhibiting at the Match my spirit Holiday Bazaar on December 07, 2019. 
Register Here

I will be exhibiting at the Match my spirit Bazaar on January 08, 2020. 
Register Here

Warm Welcome by Blogger Naini Nakagawa of Matchmyspirit Inc

                                                                                                         Naini Nakagawa Hello and WARM W...